完成了地下室/爬楼空间的霉菌根除、霉菌修复和水损伤修复。2013年12月的某个时候,我们房子下面的热水管道破裂了。由于水电费账单高得不寻常,我们才知道水管破裂了。我们打电话给内特的管道公司(克拉克县,WA),他进行了紧急管道修复。然后我们去了Angie's List找人来处理水的损坏和大量的霉菌,这些霉菌是在水管喷洒到地下室将近两个月的时间里生长的。我们阅读了几家公司的评论,选择了Rainbow Restoration。康拉德·克拉夫和他的工作人员反应迅速,立即开始工作。他们总是彬彬有礼、友好、专业、干净,立即杀死了霉菌,拆除了所有浸泡过的绝缘材料,然后安排分包商使用高压苏打爆破,清除了地板下近3000平方英尺区域内的大量污渍,包括垂直剪力墙、地板托梁和工字梁。然后,他们安排了另一艘潜艇竞标更换绝缘材料。最后,他们修复了所有被水损坏的木结构和空调管道。在此期间,康拉德和他的船员遵循所有现行的霉菌补救协议,并与我的保险公司打交道; sending regular reports and photos to the claims adjuster at The Hartford. I had barely to lift a finger. Conrad and crew did it all or arranged for specialty trades to do necessary stages of the job . Sometimes I though the most difficult job was dealing with the insurance company; but they did it to perfection. ——Katherine和Mike BRUSH PRAIRIE, WA, 2014年3月25日
由于第三方在外部灌溉系统方面的失误,我们已完工的地下室(900平方英尺)遭受了严重的水损坏。我们的项目包括完全拆除地毯和衬垫,以及部分拆除内置、踢脚板和石膏板。拆除工作在几小时内完成。干燥需要5 - 6天,然后开始重建。彩虹公司对此作出了回应,但并不是第一家可用的补救公司。然而,当我有机会与康拉德·克拉夫和他的项目经理斯科特·亚历山大交谈时,很明显他们是水修复方面的专家。我们的地下室太乱了,我们不知道从哪里开始,不知道需要移除什么,不需要移除什么,也不知道应该包括哪些保险。康拉德和斯科特对需要做的事情很有信心,并建议我们联系保险理算员。这是一个非常紧张的情况。我们的地下室是一个生活空间,包括娱乐区、办公室、客房区和儿童游戏空间。 Our carpet was saturated and our entire house was beginning to smell. We discovered the water damage on a Thursday morning. The responsible third party was slow to take responsibility and we were not certain where to begin. I began to contact remediation companies that afternoon. Rainbow was not able to inspect our needs until the next morning. However, Conrad was very informative over the phone. I had already spoken to two other remediation contractors who were giving me different information on what needed to be removed. Conrad was clearly an expert explaining that because we were dealing with class 3 water and due to the high potential for microbial growth, all carpet and padding needed to go immediately. We met with Rainbow on Friday morning. We gave them the green light on Friday afternoon and their crew began immediately and worked until about 10PM to fully remove contaminated material. Drying began immediately thereafter and then reconstruction took place. Conrad Cluff provided project budgets for both the remediation and reconstruction to our insurance company. All Rainbow employees were skilled, professional and good communicators. All of their subcontractors were topnotch (HVAC, Landscape/irrigation, carpet installation). We would absolutely recommend Rainbow恢复给别人! ——安德里亚·波特兰,2013年8月15日