Rainbow Restoration Blog | Page 13

Painting your home is an exciting way to update and refresh your space, but what happens when you spot mold during the painting process? Painting over mold may seem to be a quick and simple solution to a nagging problem, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

We highly recommend...Continue Reading

Serving fish for dinner? While it’s a great meal idea, figuring out how to get the fish smell out of your house can be a hassle. Learn more about fishy cooking odors, and how you can enjoy cooking and serving fish to your family without making your home smell like a dock.

Why Does Fish...Continue Reading

While you may be a happy cat owner, dealing with territorial marking is one task you could happily live without. So, why do cats mark their territory, and what can you do about it? Is it just the price you pay for cat ownership?

Cats establish their territories in a variety of ways, from...Continue Reading

If you’re a renter, landlord or a property owner, insurance is always a necessity, but when it comes to flood insurance, the information can be a little murky. Conventional insurance doesn’t usually cover flooding, and if there’s a flood, it might not even cover the damage to the contents of the...Continue Reading

Carpet is such a great flooring option for commercial and residential rentals. It’s durable, versatile, and comfortable. But if you’re the one dealing with the aftermath of renters, you know it can also be difficult to maintain. Do you know what is considered normal wear and tear on carpeting?...Continue Reading

Do you know what to do if your apartment floods? A flooded apartment can be panic inducing – especially if you’re unprepared. Don’t get caught off guard by flooding in your rental. Read on to learn the steps you should take if your apartment floods.

What to Do When Your Apartment Floods...Continue Reading

Cigarette smoke can linger on almost anything it touches: our clothes, walls and furniture in our homes, and auto interiors. Smoking in your car is not only a bad idea for your health and the health of your passengers, it’s also a bad idea if you ever plan on selling your vehicle.

When...Continue Reading

We don’t mean to alarm you, but your carpet is probably, well, gross. If your carpet is cared for like that of the average American’s, it’s home to dander, dust mites, bacteria, pollen and other allergens. Even if you vacuum your carpeting regularly, it’s likely still harboring things you don’t...Continue Reading

Think about the things that are flushed or disposed of via your kitchen sink, dishwasher or washing machine daily. Now think about a smelly, stagnant pool of these materials swirling in your basement. Not a pretty picture, right? Right. Unfortunately, finding sewage in a basement is an all too...Continue Reading

Things we can't see can play a big role in our health and safety. Microscopic irritants like dust and pollen can interfere in our health in ways we'd never expect. This is especially true when it comes to dust mites.

Dust mites are microscopic bugs that thrive in the household dust and...Continue Reading
