
立即发布如需更多信息,请联系:Monica Feid, BizCom Associates (972) 490-8053,MonicaFeid@BizComPR.com韦科,德克萨斯州(2014年8月18日)-全球最大的贸易服务品牌特许经营公司之一The Dwyer Group®,Inc.今天宣布,该公司已第二次被The Riverside Company收购,该私募股权基金在北美、欧洲和亚洲设有分支机构。bob真人在线与这家全球投资公司达成的协议,重新开启了两家成长中的成功机构之间的合作。交易条款尚未披露。德怀尔集团总部位于德克萨斯州韦科,是7个住宅和商业特许经营服务品牌的控股公司。特许经营网络包括在美国和其他七个国家经营的1600多家特许经销商。除了特许经营理念外,德怀尔集团还在缅因州、佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州拥有并经营着35家提供全方位服务的玻璃商店。这些服务品牌加在一起,每年的全系统收入将近10亿美元。Riverside于2003年首次收购了The Dwyer Group,将公司私有化,并与公司管理层合作,通过收购新品牌、扩大公司总部设施以及积极发展现有特许经营品牌来加速增长。经过七年的发展,该公司于2010年将德怀尔集团出售给TZP集团有限责任公司,在那里,特许经营网络和收入继续蓬勃发展,服务品牌在美国和世界各地都享有很高的声誉。河滨收购案将TZP的多数股权转移回河滨,同时德怀尔集团执行团队进行了重大的再投资,德怀尔集团公司内的每个品牌总裁都进行了投资。 “We’re extremely excited to welcome The Dwyer Group back to The Riverside Company and to become involved once again with franchisees and associates dedicated to a strong Code of Values,” said Sarah Roth, a partner based at The Riverside Company’s Dallas office. “The executive team remains fully committed to the business, and The Dwyer Group service brands are well positioned for more expansion.” “The Dwyer transaction has been a very successful one for TZP reflecting the very essence of our firm’s strategy of being the Partner of Choice for management teams,” said Sam Katz, managing partner for TZP. “We are very proud of our joint achievements in enhancing the franchisee value proposition and initiating exciting online and offline marketing initiatives. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Dina and the Dwyer team and watching them continue to succeed at building this special company.” Calling TZP a tremendous partner for The Dwyer Group over the past three-and-a-half years, Dina Dwyer-Owens, Executive Chairwoman of The Dwyer Group, said the successful relationship set the stage for the next bold step forward. “I commend our talented and dedicated team members and their commitment to The Dwyer Group Code of Values that has served as our roadmap as we’ve traveled a journey of unprecedented growth.” Mike Bidwell, CEO and President of The Dwyer Group, added, “By focusing on our core brands and service to our franchisees, we have enjoyed incredible success that continues to this very day, and that success has been noticed for all the right reasons.” The entire executive team at The Dwyer Group will remain in place and will work with Riverside to advance the organization to the next level.



关于TZP Group LLC:


关于The Dwyer Group, Inc.:

德威尔集团有限公司总部位于德克萨斯州韦科,是一家拥有七家特许经营业务的控股公司,每家公司在以下服务标志下销售和支持不同的特许经营:Aire Serv®、Glass Doctor®、The Grounds Guys™、Mr. Appliance®、Mr. Electric®、Mr. Rooter®(英国和葡萄牙的Drain Doctor)和Rainbow Restorationl®。总的来说,这些独立的特许经营概念为全球客户提供广泛的住宅和商业服务。此外,Dwyer在新英格兰以波特兰玻璃品牌经营玻璃商店。欲了解更多关于德怀尔集团或其特许经营概念的信息,请访问该公司的网站www.neighborlybrands.com.# # #
