普通家庭Fire Starters Identified

Household Fire Starters

According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 369,500 home structure fires in 2013 and these fires caused $7 billion in direct damage. The American Red Cross also reports that household fires are the most common disaster in the United States. With such a widespread risk, it’s important for property owners to be aware of the top five most common household fire starters. After all, knowing which areas in your home are most susceptible to fires and how to prevent them is half the battle!

The 5 most common household fire starters are:

Stove and Cook Tops

This is a place where heat is prevalent and various risks are present for starting a fire. Use extreme caution with this surface. Grease fires are a different kind of fire and need to be extinguished in a special way. Check out this blog for more information and tips aboutgrease fires.

Heating and A/C Units

Portable heating and A/C units can produce warmth around the motor and cause the material that is around the unit to catch fire. The leading cause of these fires is due to a lack of cleaning. The dust build-up on these units is a fire hazard. Take care of indoor units and prevent the second most common source of a household fire.

Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment causes nine percent of home fires and is preventable with simple steps to reducing the risk. Withthis blog, there are 7 ways to prevent a potential electrical malfunction.


This list includes water heaters, ovens, clothes dryers, etc. Appliances account for seven percent of house fires. Make sure that all appliances are clean and free from grim and anything else that can catch fire. One of the most common appliance fire starters is the clothes dryer. Regularly clean the dryer vent to save money and reduce the risk of fire. Beyond the cleaning, call the experts at Mr. Appliance to inspect your appliances and assess anypotential problems.


Like many other fire starters on this list, candle fires require something in the proximity to catch fire. As a household fire starter, candles are the cause of five percent of fires. Neglect is the largest problem surrounding candle fires and is followed closely by leaving a candle too close to a combustible. Never leave a candle lit in a place where someone is not present. Make sure that a candle is placed far enough away from anything that could catch fire.

Has your home suffered from fire damage?Contact Rainbow Restoration®today. Our caring restoration professionals have what it takes to get your life back on track fast.

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What You Need to Know About Grease Fires

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